School chaplains contribute towards creating positive, supportive cultures within public school communities across Western Australia. At Piara Waters Primary School, our chaplain is employed by SU Australia and works at our school two days a week. The costs are met through our school funding, and additional funding provided through the State and Federal Government.
The chaplain is available to listen compassionately and confidentially, refer to extra help where necessary, and run activities about school values, enhancing social skills or well-being. The chaplain’s support is open to all students within our multicultural school community, irrespective of faith or beliefs. Use of the chaplain’s services is voluntary and parent permission is required for students to receive ongoing support from our chaplain.
At Piara Waters Primary School, the chaplain is involved in:
providing pastoral care to students.
being available at recess and lunchtime in the playground to connect with students for teachable moments and pastoral care.
mentoring and support of the Year 6 student leaders
building rapport with students by assisting in classrooms, and running classroom sessions focussing on school values, social skills or wellbeing, when requested.
running small groups for students, as needed, to address issues such as grief and loss, friendship or anger management.
providing resources about wellbeing and resilience to staff and parents.
linking with other community organisations for resources and support.