The Arts
The Arts
The Arts learning area consists of Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, and Visual Arts. Subjects from The Arts build students’ creativity and communication skills. Students learn how to express their ideas and solve problems.
The Arts is taught by both classroom teachers and specialist teachers at Piara Waters Primary School. Every year, students will do at least one performing arts (Music, Drama or Dance) and one visual arts (Visual Arts or Media).
In Kindergarten, classroom teachers expose students to the Arts.
In Pre-Primary, students will participate in a specialist lesson in both Drama and Music. Classroom teachers will teach Visual Arts.
In Year One to Three, students will participate in a specialist lesson in Visual Arts for one semester. They will also participate in a specialist lesson in either Drama or Music for one semester.
In Year Four to Six, students will participate in a specialist lesson in Visual Arts for one semester. They will also participate in a specialist lesson in either Drama or Music for one semester. Families had the option to nominate a preference for Drama or Music at the end of the 2022 school year. Students have been grouped into Drama or Music based on these preferences and class availability. Students who are in the IMMS program must do Music.

Junior students (PP - Yr 2) will explore the Drama Elements (voice, movement, role, situation and space) through teacher led process drama, improvisation and group work. Picture books used are constantly used as a springboard for activities which also supports cultural and social literacy.
Senior students (Yr 3 - 6) have the opportunity to further their Drama skills (making and performing) through various units of work including (but not limited to) puppetry, mime, script-work, playbuilding and world Drama. There will be occasions students perform for other (younger classes) which also satisfies the responding element. At the core of all Drama studies is the cycle of: focus-preparation-rehearse-perform-respond-reflect. Drama supports real-world life skills and challenges.
Junior students (PP - Yr2) sing a range of songs and they experiment with a variety of tuned and untuned percussion instruments to play their own and others music.
Senior students (Yr 3 - 6) also sing and play instruments regularly, expanding their playing to include ukuleles, and learning how to play others music as an ensemble.
Year 4, 5 and 6 students can join our Senior Choir, learning sing and perform with their peers. The choir performs in the Massed Choir Festival and at local multicultural festivals. In 2023 Year 3 students also have the opportunity to join Year 3 choir.
Selected Year 5 and 6 students will be able to be a part of the Instrumental Music program (IMMS), learning flute, clarinet and brass instruments. These students will have performance opportunities inside and outside of school. They will have access to free instrumental music education (government based) until the end of Year 12. Selection for IMMS occurs in Year 4.
Visual Arts
In Visual Arts, over the years students will explore all the elements of design: line, colour, shape, space, texture, value and form. Students will experience different art media including: printmaking, digital art, abstract, collage, clay, weaving, painting, pastels and dye. Every student in Piara Waters Primary School is an artist who creates amazing masterpieces!
What will my child learn?
Parents can view the syllabuses for Pre-Primary to Year 6 on the SCSA website.