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School Health Nurse

School / Community Health Nurse.

Community Health Nurses deliver school health services in primary schools across Western Australia. They are employed by Child and Adolescent Health Service. These nurses work with children, families and teachers within each school throughout the year. Most families will have had contact with these health services from birth (through neonatology and child health services). The school health Nurse promotes healthy development and wellbeing, helping students reach their full potential.

If a teacher, or a parent has any concerns about a student’s health/development and would like a nurse assessment, please request a “Referral to Community Health Nurse” form.

Parental consent is required prior to all assessments. The services provided are free and confidential.

Nasyita Mashuni and Emily Cardy are the Community Health Nurses allocated to our school.

You can find out more about the School Entry Health Assessment here.