A voluntary payment is requested from parents towards the cost of materials, services and facilities used by K-10 students in the educational program.
Whilst contributions are voluntary the quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution to the cost of supplementing funding gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth Governments.
The PWPS Voluntary Contribution rate is set at:
- $30 per Kindergarten student, and:
- $60 per Pre-Primary to year 6 student.
Payments are encouraged at the start of the school year, but can be made all year round:
- when paying for the school booklist via West School Supplies
- QKR!
- via Direct Debit (BSB 066 040, ACC 1990 3450, REF Student surname, First initial, Room number)
- via Eftpos at the front office
Voluntary courses and activities where an election is made by the parent or student to participate. The participation of a student in an extra cost optional component is conditional on payment of the costs of that component by the due date.
The determination of charges for extra cost optional components is to be viewed as an upper limit. Participation in these components is voluntary, but a charge is payable if the student opts to participate.